Why Chasing Perfection Is Making Your Home and Life More Cluttered

It’s the start of 2025, and if there’s ever been a time to reflect on what truly matters, it’s now. Isn’t it ironic how, in chasing society's definition of "beauty" and "success," we can create so much ugliness in our own lives?


It’s not just about how we look, is it? It’s about everything. Society pushes us to chase an impossible standard—not just in our appearance, but in the homes we live in, the way our children behave, and how we show up to the outside world. We’re told that success means having it all together: the perfectly coordinated living room, the curated social media feed, the polished career, and the family photos that make it seem like we’re living a dream.


And let’s be honest: sometimes, it’s all just a performance. The Facebook-perfect families with the smiling photos, the “feeling blessed” posts. But behind the scenes? It’s a completely different story. Those same families are often living with disconnection, tension, and stress. The relationships that look perfect on the outside can feel empty on the inside. There’s no space for vulnerability, no room to admit that things aren’t perfect, no opportunity to just be human.


Even more than that, this constant need to “keep up” creates lives that are completely unsustainable. People are running around with schedules so packed they’re like headless chickens—juggling work, kids, commitments, and social lives, all while trying to make it look effortless. Partners barely working as a team, with one often carrying the bulk of the mental and physical load. And instead of slowing down and questioning why life feels this way, we double down. We tell ourselves this is just how life is—stressful, overwhelming, and busy—but as long as it looks good from the outside, we soldier on.


So many people are addicted to their jobs, pouring all their energy into their careers and putting work ahead of their families, their homes, and their well-being. They’re chasing this idea of success that says the title on your business card or the size of your paycheck matters more than the quality of your relationships or the time you spend with the people you love. But what’s the cost of that? Burnout. Disconnection. A life that looks full but feels empty.


I’ve realised that when you’re so focused on keeping up appearances, you lose touch with yourself. You hide your real thoughts and feelings—not just from others, but sometimes even from yourself. You start to define your worth by how things look instead of how they feel. And in the process, you miss out on the things that actually matter—deep connections, joy, and the kind of peace that only comes when you let yourself be truly seen.


I know how hard it is to step away from all this because I’m working on it too. It’s not easy to let go of society’s expectations—it’s ingrained in us to keep up, to perform, to look successful. But the more I lean into creating a life that feels good instead of just looking good, the more I see the freedom and joy it brings.


The truth is, true beauty and real success aren’t found in the perfect house, the perfect body, or the perfect family photo. They’re found in the messy, authentic moments. In being able to exhale at the end of the day in a home that feels like yours, not a showroom. In relationships where you can be vulnerable, imperfect, and still loved. In kids who feel safe to be themselves, not miniature versions of your ideal self.  And in a life where you and your partner work as a team, sharing the load and building something based on values that matter—not on what society says you should care about.


So, as we step into 2025, if you’ve been caught in the same cycle—chasing perfection, feeling the pressure to keep up, and wondering why it’s all so exhausting—I want you to know you’re not alone. I know how hard it is to let go of the mould society tells you to fit into. But I also know that there’s freedom in stepping away from it. In choosing a life that’s real over one that’s picture-perfect.


Maybe 2025 is the year we stop striving to look good on the outside and start building lives that feel good on the inside. Not for anyone else, but for ourselves. Because when we stop hiding and start living authentically, we don’t just create more beauty in our own lives—we inspire it in others too.


Maybe the most beautiful life isn’t the one that looks perfect. Maybe it’s the one that feels imperfectly, gloriously real.


Ready For A Bigger Home Transformation? 

✨ Imagine walking into a home that feels calm, organised, and easy to maintain. That’s exactly what we’re creating inside The Intentional Home Program—and I’d love for you to be part of it! Enrollment closes March 14th 2025, so don’t miss out. Sign up here


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