Why My Home Organisation Business Was a Success on Paper but a Personal Failureā€”and What It Taught Me

From the outside, my first business looked like a dream. In just 4 years I (and latterly with my business partner) had taken what started off as an a-ha moment and a bunch of 'business plan' scribbles on a scrap of paper and turned it into one of Sydney's most successful home decluttering and organising businesses. 


I spent most of my days in the most unbelievable properties and the homes of a celebrity or two. I've also featured on the pages of Homes & Gardens as an expert in all things "Home Organisation and Decluttering. 


By all accounts, it should have felt like a massive success. 


But for me? It felt like anything but.


Behind the scenes, I was struggling—physically, mentally, and emotionally. My values no longer aligned with the work I was doing, and the business I’d built began to feel more like a trap than an achievement.


Here’s why.


1. Physical Burnout: My Body Paid the Price


In just a few years, I aged my body by ten—or so my doctor told me. This wasn’t because I was inactive or unhealthy. Quite the opposite—I’ve run ultra-marathons, I work out regularly, and I’ve always prided myself on taking care of my body.


But no amount of fitness could counterbalance the physical toll of shifting and lifting the mountains of clutter we endured daily, the constant stress, overwork, and neglect of rest took on me. My body was screaming for a break, but I was too caught up in the daily grind to listen.


Ignoring those signs cost me dearly.


2. Mental Burnout: The Weight of It All


Where my body went, my mind soon followed.


Running a business is hard enough, but when your work revolves around helping others with their clutter—both physical and emotional—it becomes even heavier.


Over time, I found myself absorbing the negative energy of my clients’ clutter. Piles of forgotten things in garages or basements started to feel like a metaphor for all the unresolved tension I was carrying.


Add strained business relationships to the mix, and the burnout became all-consuming. 


When your body is breaking down and your mind is overwhelmed, it’s hard to find joy in anything—even the work you once loved.


3. A Misalignment with My Values

This might’ve been the biggest blow of all: my business had morphed into something that no longer aligned with my core values.


I started this business to help people (and women in particular) simplify their lives, reduce stress, and make space for what truly mattered. But over time, it became more about what sold: Pinterest-worthy pantries, color-coded wardrobes, and rows of matching plastic bins.


It wasn’t about making life easier or more meaningful anymore—it was about creating the illusion of a “perfect” life. A life curated for Instagram and driven by keeping up with the Joneses.


I didn’t want to be part of the narrative that women’s worth and success is tied to appearing flawless. I didn’t want to feed into that toxic societal pressure of keeping up with the Joneses. But somewhere along the way, my business had. 


I truly believe that there is no one formula for success in life - your success is unique to you.  Just as your 'perfect' home is unique to you. It's a combination of what you value most and how you uniquely operate in life.  The key is unlocking what this looks like for you. 


4. Fueling Waste Instead of Transformation


This one hit me hard.


In the quest to create those “perfect” spaces, we'd find ourselves encouraging people to part with perfectly good items—simply because they didn’t fit the aesthetic plan.


But here’s the thing: when people haven’t addressed the deeper reasons behind their clutter, they’ll reclutter anyway. They’ll fall back into the same patterns. And that means they’ll toss more things six months down the line.  The 'pretty' bins will no longer look 'pretty' as they begin to overflow with more stuff. Or they'll create more and more work and waste for themselves with the need to constantly 'chuck' stuff out to keep everything looking 'good' to the outside world.  But does anyone really feel 'good' about their over-consumption when we all know what this is truly doing to the planet we live on. 


Instead of helping people create lasting change, I felt like we were fueling a cycle of waste. And as someone who cares deeply about reducing my impact on the planet, this didn’t sit right with me.


5. Who I Was Becoming at Home


Exhausted. Cranky. Out of alignment with my own values. The toll of running this business didn’t stop when I walked through my front door. My energy—or lack of it—spilled into my family life.


At home, I was snappy and distant, running on empty


Why I Walked Away

 My intuition was screaming at me to bail. But my ego kept me stuck for longer than was healthy.  

Ultimately, walking away from the business  was one of the hardest (I had to go through several ego deaths)—and best—decisions I’ve ever made.


Just like my clients letting go of their stuff - I had to let go of what looked like success on paper to realign with what truly mattered to me: health, family, sustainability, and meaningful impact.


Walking away wasn’t failure. It was freedom. Freedom to build something new—something that reflects my values, my purpose, and the kind of life I want to lead.


Success Isn’t What It Seems

If you’re ever faced with a similar choice—between what looks good and what feels good—trust yourself enough to choose the latter. Success isn’t about what other people see. It’s about what feels true to you.


If you're sacrificing the things that actually matter most to you - that definitely isn't success. 


But be prepared  - the death of your ego isn't easy. It's ugly. But on the other side I promise you, it's beautiful - there's gratitude, excitement and a new lease for life. 


Does this resonate with you? Have you ever walked away from something that no longer aligned with your values?


What's next


Now that I’ve shed the weight of my old business, I’ve been able to reconnect with my core passion: guiding people who are ready for real change. I want to help you take charge of the possessions in your life, simplify your home, declutter your mind, and embrace a life of less stuff and more happiness.


But this time, I’m doing it differently. I’m creating a sustainable way to reach more people—without sacrificing my health, my values, or burning myself out.


I'm helping people who want to create lasting change in their lives, because they recognise how short and precious it truly is. 


If you’re ready to build a calmer, more intentional home that supports the life you’re creating, I’d love to invite you to join the waitlist for my new program: The Intentional Home.


Together, we’ll walk through 3 simple steps to create a calm, organised, and connected family home—one that works for you, not against you. And if you like your space to look beautifully organised, don’t worry—I’ve got you covered. I’ve taken everything I’ve learned and created easy-to-follow guides for every area of your home. These will help you build practical, organised systems that, with the right habits and mindset, you can maintain—without adding to the waste.


Join the Waitlist Here 

Let’s make life easier, drop the illusion of 'perfect' and make life more intentional, and filled with what truly matters.



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